Muller Station Ltd
Flock Breeding Objectives for Muller Station:
To breed efficient, truly dual-purpose Merinos with excellent constitution and conformation that are suitable for the variety of conditions and environments that they run in. Particular emphasis is focusing on the following:
Fertility: Concentrating on improving Merinos' scanning potential and mothering ability and now trying to minimise wastage from scanning to lambing.
Wool: Selecting for highly aligned, well nourished, heavy cutting (but with uncomplicated skins) fleeces in the 19 to 20 micron range suitable for contracting to icebreaker and other apparel brands. We believe we can breed ewes that are capable of cutting in excess of 7 kgs/head.
Carcass: We have begun EMA scanning and are selecting for carcases that grow to optimum weight and specification (before they cut their teeth), particularly for the Silere contracts that are available: also selecting for hind-quarter muscularity and confirmation.
Ewe Hogget Selection Criteria:
- Selecting for uncomplicated but productive females with emphasis on;
- Conformation and size with particular attention to correct top-line, pasterns and feet
- Well nourished, free-growing fibre (as above)
- All genetic twins are identified at ailing so we are able to select for fertility
- They have to be feminine.
Ram Selection Criteria:
Rams are selected for;
- Conformation including correct pastersn and feet, and foot-score and EMA scanning data
- Optimal wool, using fleece measurement data as well as subjective selection for environmental suitability. Again, fibre length, alignment, colour, density and
- nourishment are all assessed.
- Twin/single; 70% of this year's selections are twins.
Other Information
Rainfall: 550 mm at Homestead