Single Entry Form for Stud Rams

Please use the online form below to submit your Stud Rams for Single Entry

IMPORTANT: Please note that this form will not work in Internet Explorer – please use a supported browser such as Edge or Chrome
It is preferable that you submit your form using the online form below, but if you are unable, a PDF form is available here

Single Entry Form for Stud Rams with PDF

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This form is to be used by Breeders to register their Stud Rams Singly



Breed & Flock Details

Contact Details

Please ensure that you complete all required fields marked with *

Stud Ram for Single Registration

No ram may be used in any registered flock except from a flock already registered, or imported rams approved by the Council and all stud rams must be entered singly.
All Stud Rams must be registered singly by breeder before being transferred. One or more rams may be registered on this form (max. 3).
Footrot Scores and Cold Tolerance Scores are optional. All Breeds Scrapie Resistance Type 1 or Type 2 if testing for this.
A Ram which has already been registered singly MUST NOT be entered on this form.

TEXEL and DORPER breeders please show if you have clear DNA tests for your rams being entered: TEXEL VISION CLR or 1-SCAN CLR: DORPER OD CLR
VALAIS BLACKNOSE breeders to DNA test their rams before Single Entering them
You may use the following text area to add any relevant information for the Ram you are registering above:

TEXEL and DORPER breeders please show if you have clear DNA tests for your rams being entered: TEXEL VISION CLR or 1-SCAN CLR: DORPER OD CLR
VALAIS BLACKNOSE breeders to DNA test their rams before Single Entering them
You may use the following text area to add any relevant information for the Ram you are registering above:

TEXEL and DORPER breeders please show if you have clear DNA tests for your rams being entered: TEXEL VISION CLR or 1-SCAN CLR: DORPER OD CLR
VALAIS BLACKNOSE breeders to DNA test their rams before Single Entering them
You may use the following text area to add any relevant information for the Ram you are registering above:

TEXEL and DORPER breeders please show if you have clear DNA tests for your rams being entered: TEXEL VISION CLR or 1-SCAN CLR: DORPER OD CLR
VALAIS BLACKNOSE breeders to DNA test their rams before Single Entering them
You may use the following text area to add any relevant information for the Ram you are registering above:

TEXEL and DORPER breeders please show if you have clear DNA tests for your rams being entered: TEXEL VISION CLR or 1-SCAN CLR: DORPER OD CLR
VALAIS BLACKNOSE breeders to DNA test their rams before Single Entering them
You may use the following text area to add any relevant information for the Ram you are registering above:


If you have any additional information or comments to add to this form, please add it to the field below:


You must agree to the declaration and select the date of submission below before submitting this form